i'm finally back home from washington, d.c. and able to sort through my photos. though i did shoot a lot while there, i have to admit that during the actual inauguration, i had to put my camera down for a minute and really soak in what was happening. to be a part of something like that was truly a once in a lifetime experience. i tried to capture some of the excitement in the city and just the sheer magnitude of the event through my photos, but i'm sure i didn't come close. it was really nice to be happy for a change in d.c. (i use to live there and most of my photos from that time consist of protests- of the war, of bush, etc)
the most open inauguration in history, attended by more people than any other event on the national mall, was a great start to a presidency that promises a lot. most importantly, it was a good sign that perhaps people will once again want to become engaged in their government. let's hope it continues.
(click on the photos above to see more of my images from the inauguration)
You have really captured the diversity of the US and the people who have joined together for "change", led by our new President. Great job!
thanks, anon. i was really trying to get a feel for all of it, not just the crowds assembled but everything going on. i was fortunate enough to get an invite to the crow nation event from a friend of a friend. glad you liked my photos...
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