Saturday, September 20, 2008

change is good!

dresser top

change is good in a lot of ways. as a kid i remember watching mr. rogers, who came in every afternoon and changed his shoes and sweater. i didn't really get why, but he seemed happy to be doing it, and the background music seemed to denote that it was a good thing, too. change can also be hard, or even scary. there is a lot of hard, scary change going on in the economy right now. we may all need to soon be counting our change (and looking under the sofa cushions for more) if things don't get better. the change i am most looking forward to is the one that will happen in january, when we change administrations. i believe the best change will come from barack obama. well, that's my $0.02 anyway...

1 comment:

Tim said...

we’s saved by pocket change in sofa cushions, and a whole lotta makin’ do

-sou macmillan